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Czestochowa University of Technology
International Students Office

Postal address:
Erasmus+ KA103 Programme
ul. Dabrowskiego 69, room. nr 1,
42-201 Czestochowa

tel: +48 34 3250 431

fax: +48 34 3254 066
e-mail: erasmus@adm.pcz.pl
Erasmus coordinators contact

COVID-19 Prevention info - CUT - 2020/2021


Everyday life - basics

  • keep social distance between the people
  • keep the nose and mouth covered if social distance is impossible to be kept
  • keep the nose and mouth always covered:
    • in the public transportation (i.e. bus, tram, train),
    • in the shop, mall, shopping center, bank, market place, post office,
    • in the cinema and theatre,
    • in the clinic, doctor's office, hospital, massage or tatoo parlor,
    • in the church, at school and at the university,
    • in any kind of the public service place / office.

Recent information

date format is given as: [day.month.year]


  • 02.07.2021 - CUT Rector's Order № 152/2021dated as 29.06.2021 previous regulation regarding to restrictions in minimum mobility period to outgoing international mobility from CUT of employees, doctoral students and students had been removed.
  • 17.05.2021 - information sent to CUT students via on-line platform on 14.05.2021 - PDF file
  • 30.04.2021 - information sent to CUT students via on-line platform on 28.04.2021 (Polish Prime Minister and Health Minister - press conference) - PDF file
  • 01.04.2021 - cumulative information sent to CUT students via on-line platform (25.03-01.04.2021)  - PDF file
  • 05.02.2021 - announcement of the Polish Government / Prime Minister given on 05.02.2021 - PDF file
  • 03.02.2021 - information sent to CUT students via on-line platform on 03.02.2021
    regarding to CUT Rector's Order № 82/2021 - organization of education in the summer semester in the academic year 2020/2021 - PDF file
  • 02.02.2021 - information sent to CUT students via on-line platform on 28.01.2021
    regarding to Announcement of the Polish Minister of Health - PDF file

  • 02.02.2021 - information sent to CUT students via on-line platform on 27.01.2021
    regarding to CUT Rector's Order № 80/2021 - Rules for conducting examinations and credit tests using the system of e-learning - PDF file
    • CUT Rector's Order № 80/2021- PDF file
    • Appendix to CUT Rector's Order № 80/2021 - Rules - PDF file
    • Appendix to CUT Rector's Order № 80/2021 - Declaration - PDF file
  • 18.12.2020 - publication of the Announcement of the Polish Government given on 17.12.2020 - PDF file
  • 23.11.2020 - publication of the Announcement of the Polish Government given on 21.11.2020 - PDF file
  • 13.11.2020 - Organization of education at CUT in the AUTUMN semester 2020/2021 (CUT Rector's Order № 47/2020)
    • Unil 23.12.2020 (there is a Holiday break between 24.12.2020 and 06.01.2021) all the classes will be provided in a distance learning mode (via e-learning platform) only,

    • 07.01.2021 – 29.01.2021 classes will be provided in a "mixed/hybrid" mode. Laboratory, workshop and other practical activities impossible to be carried out with the use of distance learning methods and techniques will be carried out in a direct/traditional form with the use of sanitary procedures limiting the risk of contamination of students, while all other parts of components/lectures will be provided in distance learning mode.

  • 05.11.2020 - publication of the Announcement of the Polish Government sent to CUT students via on-line platform on 04.11.2020, 20:18 - information in PDF file
  • 03.11.2020- collective publication of information sent to CUT students via on-line platform on:
    • 01.11.2020 - information in PDF file
    • 30.10.2020 - information in PDF file
    • 30.10.2020 - Polish Government announcement - information in PDF file
    • 29.10.2020 - CUT Rector's announcement -  information in PDF file
  • 23.10.2020 - whole Polish teritory will be qualified as the RED zone on Friday-Saturday at midnight Oct 23rd/24th - information in PDF file
  • 16.10.2020 - changing  the way of teachingall components previously taught in stationary mode will be converted to on-line learning since October 17th  till the October 31st on the basis of CUT Rector's announcment published on 16.10.2020 - original text in Polish here
  • 16.10.2020 - information sent to students - file in PDF
    Czestochochowa will be moved to the RED zone on Friday-Saturday at midnight Oct 16th/17th.
  • 13.10.2020 - English translation of CUT Rector's Order Nr 31/2020 dated 30.09.2020 - file in PDF,

    Rules for conducting examinations and credit tests using the system of e-learning at Czestochowa University of Technology and verification of the learning outcomes specified in the study program

  • 09.10.2020 - information sent to students - file in PDF
    All zones previously defined as low-risk teritories will be qualified as YELLOW zones
    since the midnight Friday/Saturday 9th/10th October 2020
  • 08.10.2020 - information sent to students - file in PDF
  • 14.09.2020 - CUT Rector's Order Nr 7/2020 states that:
    Any kind of staff mobility (STA/STT)  to CUT stays suspended until further notice.
    Mobility is allowed to incoming students and trainees (SMS/SMP), only.
  • 21.08.2020 - CUT Chancellor's Order Nr 38/2020 - file in PDF

    Regarding implementing the Rules governing the functioning of Czestochowa University of Technology Dormitories. All of the students who would like to be accommodated at our dormitories will be asked to sign the documents as specified within (mandatory/obligatory). Therefore it is strongly advised to all Erasmus+ participants to read mentioned regulation before the arrival.

  • Our university plans to teach classes in a "mixed/hybrid" mode within academic year 2020/2021
    as follows:
    • autumn semester: 01.10.2020 - 14.02.2021 – application deadline - extended till 15 September 2020
    • spring semester: 22.02.2021 - 30.06.2021 – application deadline - 31 January 2021

Laboratory, workshop and other practical activities impossible to be carried out with the use of distance learning methods and techniques will be carried out in a direct/traditional form with the use of sanitary procedures limiting the risk of contamination of students, while lectures are planned in a remote/on-line form. Detailed information on the organization of the next academic year will follow soon.

In case of the change of the pandemic situation, regulations regarding mobility may change, but classes will continue (on-line learning)

Additional information

It is also recommended to monitor the messages posted on the following websites:

  1. https://www.gov.pl/web/coronavirus/general-information

  2. Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public
  3. General info: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
  4. WHO situation reports: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports/
  5. Map: https://who.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/ead3c6475654481ca51c248d52ab9c61
  6. Polish Ministry of public health: https://www.gov.pl/web/zdrowie/coronavirus
  7. Polish Chief Sanitary Inspector: https://gis.gov.pl/
  8. Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education https://www.gov.pl/web/nauka
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