Invitation to cooperation
Concerning implementing the project "Integrated Program for the Development of the Czestochowa University of Technology" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z008/18, we invite you to submit an offer to prepare and conduct lectures for students of the Faculty of Management of the Czestochowa University of Technology.
The lecturer's task will be to prepare and conduct a 15-hour lecture and the 15-hour exercises in English (30x45 minutes) in the field of "Logistics Strategies", in the summer semester of the academic year 2020/2021.
The minimum substantive scope of a 15-hour lecture should cover the following issues:
- Course introduction - overview of course aims, literature, program of activities, rules of passing the lectures and contact with the teacher - 1h
- Introduction to planning - 1h
- Introduction to strategic management - 1h
- Key terms in strategic management - 1h
- Approaches to strategy - 1h
- Types of strategies - 2h
- Logistics in production strategy - 2h
- Logistics in marketing strategy - 1h
- Supply strategy - 1h
- Aligning the whole company - The balanced scorecard - 3h
- Benefits of strategic management - 1h
The minimum substantive scope of the 15-hour exercises should cover the following issues:
- Course introduction - overview of course aims, literature, program of activities, rules of passing the exercises and contact with the teacher - 1h
- Introduction to planning - 1h
- Introduction to strategic management - 1h
- Analysis of vision and mission statements of example companies - case study - 1h
- First part of individual project - characteristic of the chosen company - 1h
- SWOT analysis - 2h
- Porter's 5 forces model - 1h
- McKinsey’s 7s model - 1h
- BCG matrix - 2h
- Balanced scorecard - 3h
- Project summary - 1h
Significant achievements in scientific work, which include:
- a high Hirsch index of papers published in journals included in the Journal Citation Reports list of a researcher or research and teaching unit
- the number of published scientific papers included in the group of the best journals from the current Journal Citation Reports list for a given area of science according to the category proposed by Thomson Reuters Scientific
- international research grants awarded under the European Union Framework Programs by the European Research Council and other leading international research funding institutions
- acting as an editor of the journal included in the Journal Citation Reports list
- being an author of the scientific monograph with international scope
- being a laureate of an international award granted to research or research and teaching staff of the unit for research or research and teaching activities
- doctoral degree or higher
- employment for at least five years at a university outside of Poland as an academic teacher
- having at least five years of experience in conducting didactic classes in the field of logistics at universities outside of Poland
- having at least five years of experience in conducting research and scientific activities and participation in scientific conferences in the field of logistics, logistics management and strategy management, supply chain management
- having experience in the field of international cooperation as part of conducted foreign lectures, other forms of didactic, research or international didactic projects
- English language skills at least at the C1-Advanced level
Terms of employment - civil law contract (mandate contract payable in PLN)
Working hours - 30 hours x 45 minutes.
The lecture will be held at the Ordering Party's premises: the Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management, ul. Armii Krajowej 19B, Czestochowa, or in the e-learning form, if, due to restrictions caused by the epidemiological situation, the classes cannot be held in the traditional form.
The expert is obliged to complete the task in person.
Implementation deadline: summer semester of the academic year 2020/2021 (22.02 - 16.06.2021)
Selection criteria: price per hour 70%, experience 30% (for 5-year experience - 0 points, for each subsequent year 10 points, up to 15 years. Over 15 years 100 points).
Offers should be submitted electronically to the following address:
The deadline for submitting offers is 8.02.2021.