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Czestochowa University of Technology
International Students Office

Postal address:
Erasmus+ KA103 Programme
ul. Dabrowskiego 69, room. nr 1,
42-201 Czestochowa

tel: +48 34 3250 431

fax: +48 34 3254 066
e-mail: erasmus@adm.pcz.pl
Erasmus coordinators contact

Erasmus+  KA103  for Partner Universities

Basic information about Czestochowa University of Technology CUT

(Czestochowa University of Technology)
Erasmus Code: PL CZESTOC01
EUC 2014-2021: 43913-EPP-1-2014-1-PL-EPPKA3-ECHE

Bilatral Agreement Proposal

Download:  BILATERAL AGREEMENT DRAFT based on ISCED-F 2013 codes - recomended by EC
                                                                                                  and available english taught education fields (ISCED) at CUT

Important NOTE: All prospective partners are authorised to make any required changes in the proposed draft to make it suitable (i.e. to delete part of proposed subject areas or increase/decrease the student/staff number)

Bilateral agreement contact:

Erasmus_Coordinator_CodeInternational Students Office (room № 1)
ul. Dąbrowskiego 69, 42-201 Czestochowa, POLAND
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
tel:  +48 34 3250 431
fax: +48 34 3254 066

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