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Czestochowa University of Technology
International Students Office

Postal address:
Erasmus+ KA103 Programme
ul. Dabrowskiego 69, room. nr 1,
42-201 Czestochowa

tel: +48 34 3250 431

fax: +48 34 3254 066
e-mail: erasmus@adm.pcz.pl
Erasmus coordinators contact

Erasmus+ KA103 Programme / PO WER HE

files to download


  1. CANDIDATE’S APPLICATION FORM –  DEADLINE? check application schedule

Applications needs to be admitted as scanned documents sent at e-mail box of Faculty Coordinators’ officer

  1. The applicant fills in the section meant for the student
  2. application needs to be scanned as well as all other enclosures planned by you to be annexed to it
  3. The applicant submits the application at the Faculty Coordinator’s

In order to receive additional points the candidate has to enclose copies of the certificates and statements at hand, confirming additional achievements of the student (scientific contests, publications, involvement in student organizations, student research clubs etc.) and any other relevant, additional documents.

NOTE: Possible additional documents/certificates (i.e. such confirming language skills, student achievements etc.) which copies are not enclosed to the application form, shall not be taken into consideration in the further recruitment process.

In case of enclosing a LANGUAGE CERTIFICATE (minimum B2 level), the student is released from the obligation of taking the language test(s) and the certificate’s equivalent in points shall be calculated into the final score in the recruitment process, however, only the following certificates that have been valid for maximum 24 months:

  • English: FCE (A or B grade), CEA, CPE, the latest OLS test within the Erasmus+ programme
  • German: ZD, ZMP, ZOP, the latest OLS test within the Erasmus+ programme
  • French: DALF komplet, DALF 4, the latest OLS test within the Erasmus+ programme
  • Other languages: international-level certificate, the latest OLS test within the Erasmus+ programme

2. Language tests (written and oral)  -> DATES? check application schedule

The tests will be carried out in the following languages (to be selected – according to the language of instruction at the receiving institution)::

    • English
    • German
  • Tests will be provided by Centre of Foreign Languages (SJO): This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , +48 (034) 3 250 329, ul. Dąbrowskiego 69 (top floor), 42-200 Częstochowa.

    In case of submitting a copy of a language certificate mentioned above, together with the application form to faculty coordinator, the student is released from the obligation of taking a given language certificate

3. RECRUITMENT COMMITTEE – examination of the submitted documents   -> DATE? check application schedule

Student qualification is based on:

    • Submitted application form
    • Other possible documents submitted by the candidate
    • Score of language test or “point evaluation” from language certificate

The committee compiles the Final Report. Each candidate’s evaluation is expressed in points and is included in the report. Next, the report is made public in the form of Institutional Ranking List.

Main elements taken into account by the Committee, based on the Regulations of the Programme:

  • Compliance with formal requirements of the Programme (condition for positive evaluation of the candidate)
  • Average grade for the semester prior to submission of the application (10 pts)
  • Average grade for the whole study period, prior to submission of application (40 pts)
  • Knowledge of language of instruction of the receiving university/institution confirmed with a suitable certificate (at least B2 level) or positive evaluation at the language test conducted for the Erasmus+ Programme candidates within a given recruitment process (40 pts)
  • Knowledge of another foreign languages confirmed with a suitable certificate (at least B2 level) or positive evaluation at the language test conducted for the Erasmus+ Programme candidates within a given recruitment process, after prior positive assessment in the language specified in the previous point (10 pts)
  • Activities performed by the student for CUT, participation in scientific associations and student organizations at CUT within the last 12 months from the deadline of submission of questionnaires of candidates, during a given recruitment (15 pts)
  • Documented scientific publications, awards and prizes, including sports-related ones, received during the studies at CUT (10 pts)
  1. The Committee compiles the institutional ranking list based on test results, average grades and submitted documents, including those concerning additional achievements of the student (if you have such achievements, you should definitely submit confirming documents to the coordinator, together with the application form – the documents that are not submitted with the application shall not be taken into account). The Committee gives the final score received by a student. Information concerning scoring is published on our website.
  2. After CUT receives funds from NA, the scholarships are granted to the students according to their score, until the exhaustion of financial resources. In the event of occurrence/obtaining of further/additional funds, the scholarships are granted to the next students on the list, in accordance with their final score.

    The above mentioned information shall be published systematically on our website.

  3. Candidates who are granted a scholarship shall be included in the BASE RANKING LIST

  4. Candidates who are not granted a scholarship shall be included in the RESERVE RANKING LIST – the University does not guarantee scholarship, although they are qualified as accepted to the programme.
    They have a right to participate in the mobility based on the “no grant” rule and are free to begin preparations for the mobility and determining the Learning Agreement, immediately after submitting a written request for using this path,
    they can wait for the assignment of additional funds – in such case it may turn out that, at the moment of occurrence of the financial resources for the student, the partner institutions are no longer accepting documents and the mobility is impossible.
  5. Remember that Erasmus+ KA103 mobility does not absolve you from any existing or future commitments to the Home University /CUT/  (i.e, if you pay tuition fee for your studies at CUT, it shold be continuously paid by you during your Erasmus mobility semester, as well. Those two cases are separated: Erasmus grant given to the student and tuition fee paid to CUT by the student ).

Before the mobility (after positive outcome of recruitment process)

with the approval and support of the Faculty Coordinator, the student determines the:

  • Conditions for mobility at the selected foreign institution
  • Conditions for traineeship at the selected foreign institution.

which is expressed by submission of application form at the partner institution and filling in:
The Transcript of Records at CUT (the list of grades received during the study period at CUT – as long as it is required by the partner institution)
Learning Agreement for Studies2 copies (the list of subjects to be passed at the partner institution –SMP)
Learning Agreement for Traineeships – 2 copies
(traineeship programme – SMP)

Learning Agreement (for both studies and traineeship) has to be discussed and agreed on by the student with the Faculty Coordinator.
At CUT, the document is signed by: the Student, Faculty Coordinator, the Dean, Institutional Coordinator (in this order), no matter the fact that there are already signatures of the representative(s) of the Partner Institution on the document, or not.
The document becomes valid only after being signed by all the above listed signatories, that is: the student and the representatives of both institutions (sending and receiving).


After giving positive evaluation to the student, the partner institution sends a LETTER OF INVITATION to the student.

Before leaving for the program, student has to sign the Agreement with CUT – it is the condition for starting the mobility. In order for the Agreement to be drawn up, it is necessary to submit the whole set of original documents to the Institutional Coordinator, which are:

  1. LEARNNG AGREEMENT (signed and stamped by CUT and the partner institution)
  2. LETTER OF INVITATION from the partner institution (containing scheduled dates of beginning and end of the mobility)
  4. Confirmation that the candidate is insured for the period of stay at partner institution:
    • European Health Insurance Card (it is usually issued within 15 minutes, upon the submission of certificate from the Erasmus office) or any equivalent private insurance (in case of mobility at university outside of EU)

    • Insurance against sickness, accident and death

    • In case of traineeship mobility, participant must have insurance against civil liabili

  5. Students in a difficult financial situation and/or are disabled, who applied for financing from PO WER HE resources and met the requirements determined in the Regulations, necessary for being granted financing within the programme, have to submit an additional statement of project participant.
  6. Before the mobility, the student has to take an online language test (OLS) that applies at the partner university:
    • The test score does not influence the student evaluation in a direct way, and does not bring any financial implications.
    • The login and password are automatically sent to the e-mail address of the student, after having signed the agreement.
    • The test score data is gathered by European Commission exclusively for statistical purposes.
  7. Before the mobility, the CUT student (if he or she has Polish citizenship) is obliged to also register in the Odyseusz system manager by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – the registration process lasts approximately 5 minutes.

After the return:

It is necessary to submit to the IC the following documents:

  1. Transcript of Records (the list of passed subjects, in compliance with Learning Agreement) or traineeship report.
  2. Letter of Attendance (confirmation of mobility containing exact dates of arrival and departure from partner institution)
  3. To fill in the online survey on National Agency website of the Programme (login and password are sent to the e-mail address indicated by the student in the agreement)
  4. To take another online language test applying at the partner institution, in the OLS.

You can also be asked to voluntarily fill in an anonymous survey which results shall help us in continuous perfecting of the international students exchange system at CUT.

The submission to the IC, within the deadline specified in the University-Student agreement, of the transcript of Records / the document confirming the completion of traineeship, and their positive verification with the previously agreed and confirmed Learning Agreement (or Changes to Learning Agreement) / Training Programme, is the basis for acceptance of the educational results from the partner university / foreign institution. Full compliance of documents guarantees acceptance of received educational results by the dean of a given faculty. In order to receive it, one needs to submit an application together with received document (the copy of ToR / traineeship report – confirmed by the IC) to a proper dean’s office.

The ECTS points obtained at a partner institution are fully recognized by CUT (which had previously been agreed in LA/TA). CUT completely recognizes the grades received at an institution and uses the following system to convert them:

















The student has the right to receive a Diploma Supplement confirming his or her achievements during mobility within Erasmus+ Programme.
The final settlement of the student’s Erasmus+ Programme is done after meeting the above requirements and submitting the online survey on time.

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