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Czestochowa University of Technology
International Students Office

Postal address:
Erasmus+ KA103 Programme
ul. Dabrowskiego 69, room. nr 1,
42-201 Czestochowa

tel: +48 34 3250 431

fax: +48 34 3254 066
e-mail: erasmus@adm.pcz.pl
Erasmus coordinators contact

Erasmus+  KA103  How to apply?

Czestochowa University of Technology - Erasmus Code: PL CZESTOC01
Erasmus Policy Statment 2014-2020     |     Erasmus University Charter 2014-2020




taught in ENGLISH



CUT Coordinators click click

updates: 2021-05-11, 2020-09-29

Academic Calendar at CUT - 2021/2022:
autumn semester - 01.10.2021-13.02.2022
spring semester  -  21.02.2022-30.06.2022

additional information regarding to COVID-19 situation

We are running in full stationary mode - hope to keep it through whole 2021/2022.

If development of COVID-19 situation will not allow us to follow stationary mode, the same "mixed/hybrid" mode/solution as had been used in 2020/2021 will be implemented again.

In 2020/202 - we had "mixed/hybrid" teaching mode (laboratory, workshop and other practical activities impossible to be carried out with the use of distance learning methods and techniques were carried out in a direct/traditional form with the use of sanitary procedures limiting the risk of contamination of students, while lectures were taught in a remote/on-line form)

detailed information regarding to academic calendar 2021/2022 Click here

If you are the Student...  

...and if you are going to study at CUT within the Erasmus+ scheme, you should:


Do not miss the application deadline

STUDIES AUTUMN semester 2021/2022: August 31st 2021
SPRING semester 2021/2022: January 31st 2022
TRAINEESHIPS not defined - please contact our coordinator in advance

and keep the procedure as follows (only 4 easy steps left to apply successfully):

To be intaken by our university, you have to be nominated by your home university/coordinator direct (office-to-office), prior.

  1. Fill in the APPLICATION FORM (use the BLOCK LETTERS, please).  To complete it you will need to enclose:
    1. scan of your photo
    2. the scan of your national ID card or the scan of yor passport (the page with photo)
      (Note that: if you are non Schengen-zone / non-EU citizen the scan of your passport is obligatory -  the scan of national ID card cannot be accepted instead)
  2. Fill in the LEARNING AGREEMENT.
    • You will have to establish/agree it (choose components/subjects) with cooperation between three parties (you, your home erasmus coordinator and our erasmus faculty coordinator)
      based on:  available COMPONENTS (SUBJECTS') lists - for STUDY mobility
                          negotiated programme with faculty coordinator - for TRAINEESHIP mobility


      Learning Agreement needs to be established in close contact and cooperation among you, your home faculty coordinator and our faculty coordinator and needs to be confirmed by them before it will be signed. When consulted with our faculty coordinator, signed by the student and signed and stamped by his Home University Erasmus+ authorities, it should be e-mailed to our office at:
      This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (PDF file format preferred) or mailed by traditional post to our postal address
      If you apply for traineeship, please note that our university prefers traineeships not shorter than 3 months and not longer than 3.5 months. Be also awared, that the side covering insuracnes during your traineeship (student or Home University) have to be clearly defined within Learning Agreement. If not, document will not be accepted by us.


      If you will chose the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science as your destination faculty at CUT, you need to contact MECS faculty coordinator in advance. The MECS faculty has got more strict requirements regarding the application path than other faculties, so you need to ask the faculty coordinator for the details, directly.

  3. When the LEARNING AGREEMENT will be positively agreed/established (subjects selected and confirmed),
    you should e-mail us the scans (PDF file prfered) or mail paper copies of both signed and stamped documents (signed by you and signed and stamped your Home University Erasmus+ authorities).
  4. We will send you an INVITATION LETTER and we will confirm you the accommodation at our dormitory, then.
    (the room will be booked and waiting for your arrival, as you requested)
    Please be reminded that it cannot be given earlier than recent ban for students' exchange officially cancelled.

    It is mandatory to all incoming students to have got accidence and health insurance (covering whole mobility period). Trainees are obligated to have got (in addition) liability insurance (covering whole mobility period).
    PLEASE NOTE THAT: If you apply for a traineeship and the copy of your health, accident and liability insurance is not delivered to us with your Learning Agreement, the acceptance letter will be provisional, only. Therefore, you need to deliver us a copy of above mentioned insurances, before you will arrive at our university. Otherwise, our acceptance will be not valid and your traineeship mobility will be terminated. Above mentioned insurances need to cover the whole mobility period given in your Learning Agreement.

After the study period you will be asked to fill in the anonymous questionnaire. Its goal is to improve the qulity of international student exchange at CUT with every new semester.

More Useful Links:

Academic Calendar

Erasmus Coordinators / CONTACT

ECTS Grade System

Accommodation Support

Other Support

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