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Czestochowa University of Technology
International Students Office

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Erasmus+ KA103 Programme
ul. Dabrowskiego 69, room. nr 1,
42-201 Czestochowa

tel: +48 34 3250 431

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Erasmus coordinators contact

Academic Culture and Sports Centre

The Academic Culture and Sports Centre is a unit of the University organizing and sponsoring students' sporting and cultural activities. It also has at its disposal a theatre with a professional stage where different cultural events are held.

The Centre offers a wide range of sports and recreational activities and its main objective is focused on the organization and promotion of sports life among students, academics and general public. The most popular sports are volleyball and basketball, but other successful sports and recreational activities are run under the University banner, for example taekwondo, football, table tennis, yoga, karate and many more. Everyone willing to rest and relax can participate in numerous activities organized by the Centre.

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