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Czestochowa University of Technology
International Students Office

Postal address:
Erasmus+ KA103 Programme
ul. Dabrowskiego 69, room. nr 1,
42-201 Czestochowa

tel: +48 34 3250 431

fax: +48 34 3254 066
e-mail: erasmus@adm.pcz.pl
Erasmus coordinators contact


There are three halls of residence conveniently located in the centre of the University campus, where 2 000 students can take up residence. As all of the accommodation is within campus, there is no need for costly commuting. We guarantee a room for each international student. There are en-suite single or double study bedrooms or study bedrooms with shared bathrooms. There are also shared amenity areas where you can prepare your own meals. All study bedrooms have free connections to the Internet. The University will also help you find the right accommodation if you decide to make your own arrangements. We are committed to help you make the move to a foreign country as easy as possible.

In accordance to new guidelines given to us by National General Sanitary Inspectorate to prevent COVID-19 infection, new legislation acts were implemented at our university in the forthcoming academic year. Recommended option is to offer to our students one room for one person.

In result of above mentioned regulations students may be accommodated at our dormitories only by two options listed below:

1. One student in a double room (one, single person in the room) – RECOMMENDED OPTION (lowering epidemic risk) – fee as follows:

  •  DS. "Maluch" 540 PLN / month per person (reserved in autumn sem. since 10.09.2020)
  • DS. "Herkules" 500 PLN / month per person

2. Two students in a double room (two persons in the room) – the epidemic risk is higher than in option one – fee as follows:

  • DS „Maluch" 340 zł / month per person (reserved in autumn sem. since 10.09.2020)
  • DS „Herkules" 330 PLN / month per person

But option number 2 is possible to be taken in duly justified cases, if requested by a student, only. Moreover student needs to point expected roommate by surname and name and his/her expected roommate needs to give as same statement regarding to him/her, as well. If you do not have got the possibility to define your roommate write: "I will accept any roommate". Please note that without a statement signed by you and sent to us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , option number 2 will not be taken under consideration by the dormitory administration, at all.

Fees are charged by each calendar month (October, November, December, etc.) or by half a month (i.e. 2nd half of September), only (no payments for single days allowed).

Fees are paid by bank transfer (ordered via bank account or via post office) on account number given by the dormitory administration.

First accommodation of 2020/2021 students' is possible since September 16th (not earlier). VAT tax for students since October 2020 is 0% (but in September it is 8%, still)

Please make sure that you will inform us about the exact date of your arrival in advance (at least few days before).

Only the persons who will deliver above mentioned form/statement, who will inform us about the date of arrival in advance at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and who will receive confirmation from us in return, will be allowed to enter dormitory.


Therefore, when you will receive confirmation from us, we advise you to print it and to have it with you when you will arrive at the dorm's entrance.

After your arrival you are requested to visit dormitory administration with no delay. Be prepared to:

1) Pay deposit fee (bank transfer) just after your arrival. The amount is equal to one month accomodation fee.

2) Pay accomodation fee (bank transfer) just after your arrival. Amounts – as defied above

3) You should have got one printed (paper) photo of you with you to be given to the administration.

The three main halls of residence currently available to students are:

Hall of Residence number 5 ("MALUCH") *default for Erasmus+ students
Postal address: ul. Dekabrystów 26/30, 42-201 Częstochowa, POLAND
Phone: +48 34 325 02 33
webpage: maluch.pcz.pl
monthly accommodation fee per person:

single room (reserved in autumn sem. since 10.09.2020)
340 PLN
double room (feserved in autumn sem. since 10.09.2020)
double room (if habitated by one person only - reserved))
Hall of Residence number 2 ("BLIŹNIAK")
Postal address: ul. Academicka 5, 42-201 Częstochowa, POLAND
Phone: +48 34 325 04 77
webpage: blizniak.pcz.pl
monthly accommodation fee per person:
single room (not available)

double room (not available)
double room (if habitated by one person only - NA)
Hall of Residence number 7 ("HERKULES")
Postal address: ul. Sowińskiego 40/48, 42-201 Częstochowa, POLAND
Phone: +48 34 325 04 99 or +48 34 325 04 95
webpage: not available
monthly accommodation fee per person:
single room (not available)
330 PLN double room
triple room (not available)
500 PLN
double room (if habitated by one person only)

If you are an Erasmus+ student - accomodation form will be mailed to you as soon as you will establish the Learning Agreement.

If you are an Erasmus+ staff willing to book a room - just contact our faculty coordinator, please. - NOT AVAILABLE REGARDING ANTI-COVID REGULATIONS (STAFF MOBILITY IS NOT ALLOWED)

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